至翔 NID 空 间 设 计 ZX NID space design Hard installation design / Soft installation design 感谢您关注至翔NID空间设计 Thank you for your attention to ZX NID design Hard installation design & soft installation design ZX NID design team Changshu,Suzhou,China 2023 设计机构 | Design :至翔NID空间设计 项目名称 | Name :旧时光里的温柔与浪漫 项目坐标 | Address :苏州 常熟华鑫天域 项目面积 | Area :126㎡ 项目风格 | Style :南洋复古 至翔NID空间设计 每个人的需求和喜好不同, 有人重视外貌,有人重视功能, 有人重视品牌,有人重视性价比…… 不同的生活方式选择了不同的装修风格, 而好看又实用,则是本次客户提出的诉求。 「 Design & Appeal | 设计&诉求 」 本案业主是一对恩爱的夫妻和他们的十岁儿子,喜欢简约,温馨,复古的空间风格。我们根据屋主的需求,原户型没有做过多变动,只通过修改部分墙体以解决空间利用和收纳问题,打通了阳台,增强了空间感,重新规划了功能分区,也合理了生活动线。 「 Family changes | 户型改造 」 原始结构图 平面布置图 改造点: 1.入户收纳空间少。 2.厨房空间操作台面少。 3.过道需要储藏空间。 4.主卧布局不太理想。 5.主内卫需要增加浴缸。 改动: 1.入户玄关处制作了玄关柜,满足入户的收纳需求。 2. 北阳台封入室内,增加操作台面,同时也增强了收纳功能。 3. 客厅移门拆除与阳台连通,使整个客餐厅空间变得更宽敞明亮。 4. 过道增加了储藏柜,浅色柜子增加视野空间感。 5. 主卧室格局做了调整,将北边房间纳入主卧空间作为衣帽间。 6. 主卫台盆外置做干湿分离,给主卧留了更多的空间,主内卫增加了日式小浴缸。 01. Foyer Design agency: Zhi Xiang NID space design 门厅 入户玄关处做了整面的柜子, 满足了玄关的收纳需求。 另一侧放置了换鞋凳与换衣镜, 两者基本不占据过道空间。 A full cabinet was made in the entrance hall, To meet the storage needs of the porch. On the other side are a changing stool and a changing mirror. They barely take up aisle space. 02. The sitting room Design agency: Zhi Xiang NID space design 客厅 将阳台并入客厅,让空间和视野变得开阔。 拱形的门洞是两个空间的链接更为自然, 大面积的奶白色搭配上富有生命力的橄榄绿作为整个客厅的打底色, 配上沙发、地毯、屏风和木纹地板砖,增添一层浪漫温馨之感。 石膏雕花吊顶搭配简约的造型吊灯,将复古优雅地韵味完美诠释。 Incorporating the balcony into the living room opens up the space and views. Arched doorways are a more natural link between the two Spaces, A large area of milky white with vibrant olive green as the background color of the whole living room, Couches, carpets, screens and wood-grain floor tiles add a layer of romantic warmth. Gypsum carved ceiling with simple chandelier, will be a perfect interpretation of retro elegant charm. 饱满的绿色,棕色和奶白色撞色打破空间的沉闷, 搭配简单利落的边框线条,增添时尚感。 古典的油画装点沙发背景,文艺感十足, 搭配棕色调的皮艺沙发,圆形的茶几组合,更显慵懒舒适。 Full green, brown and cream contrast colors to break up the dull space, With simple and neat border lines, add a sense of fashion. Classical oil paintings decorate the sofa background, full of artistic sense, With brown tone leather art sofa, round tea table combination, more lazy and comfortable. 03.
kitchen Design agency: Zhi Xiang NID space design 餐厨 黑色金属框的玻璃移门,既能隔开厨房的油烟,又能当做就餐时的背景板。 带有复古元素的吊灯与餐椅,给原本温馨的就餐环境增添了一份浪漫。 The glass sliding door with black metal frame can not only separate the lampblack in the kitchen, but also serve as the background plate when dining. Chandeliers and dining chairs with retro elements add a romance to the original warm dining environment. 实木的方形餐桌, 搭配黑色的边柜, 加上复古的吊扇灯与油画, 让餐厅的氛围变得更加温馨浪漫。 Square dining table in solid wood, With a black side cabinet, With vintage ceiling fan lights and paintings, Make the atmosphere of the restaurant more warm and romantic. 04. Master bedroom Design agency: Zhi Xiang NID space design 主卧室 橄榄绿色的墙裙、深色原木的家具、复古的吊灯与油画相互映衬, 既丰富了空间层次,又营造出了温馨舒适的睡眠空间。 Olive green wall dresses, dark log furniture and vintage chandeliers complement the paintings, It not only enriches the space level, but also creates a warm and comfortable sleeping space. 木质的斗柜和复古的线条相互呼应, 彰显出一种传统而复古的氛围,非常温馨和舒适。 Wooden cabinets and retro lines echo each other, It has a traditional and retro atmosphere, very warm and comfortable. 05.
Design agency: Zhi Xiang NID space design 卫生间
卫生间干区采用黑色的柜门, 搭配黄铜的龙头和镜子,精致又复古。 还增设了泡澡浴缸, 花砖和油画玻璃的搭配注入南洋风的灵魂。 The dry area of the toilet adopts the black cabinet door. With brass faucets and mirrors, it's sophisticated and vintage. It also added a bath tub, The combination of tile and oil glass infuses the soul of Nanyang style. -至翔NID空间设计- E N D
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